Tuesday, June 16, 2009

XBOX 360: The End of it?

Here is my take. Microsoft didn't build the XBOX 360 thinking about the future, they built it for the present. SONY built the PS3 with one thing only in mind, where will the PS3 be in the next 10 years? That question could be answered here. The PS3, in 10 years, will still be rocking.

SONY built the PS3 with modern technology such as Bluetooth, Motion Controllers, High-Tech under the hood technology, Blu-Ray, and so much more. On the other hand, the XBOX 360 was built just for today's world, still using DVD discs and millennium technology.

Now, some of you might be thinking, why in the hell do we need Blu-Ray and so modern technology. It is for times like this. Blu-Ray hold 5x's more space as regular DVD's which could deliver more graphics or content in a game. Most developers are losing interest in the 360 because they discovered so much they can do with the PS3.

So, we may be seeing the end of the 360 because many have already agreed with the Senior VP of EA Games Europe, Patrick Soderlund, when he said that the 360 was already maxed out and that the PS3 is not.

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